1·These breaks cause collapse of the vertebrae and over time the person with osteoporosis can become hunched over or stooped.
2·But in the same time we must notice that big system has its frangibility. The rapidity of information delivery and process may cause collapse of system, especially in finance areas, risks increased.
3·An expectable aberration in the climatic regime may have been enough to cause the collapse of the village.
4·Akerlof showed that this differential information may cause the used car market to collapse; that is, the information possessed by sellers of used cars destroys the market.
5·That would cause all of the major Greek Banks to collapse, as they are the largest holders of Greek debt.
6·Bernanke's continued active support for gold-price suppression would lead to widespread deflation that would collapse equity values and cause pervasive insolvencies and bankruptcies.
7·Raising interest rates and cutting spending too soon could easily shock economies and cause asset prices to collapse.
8·A key question for the fate of the universe is whether or not the pull of gravity is strong enough to ultimately reverse the expansion and cause the universe to collapse back on itself.
9·Failure to deliver rarely occurs, but when it does, it can cause havoc, as we saw in the fall of 2008 after the collapse of Lehman.
10·They would have had time to cause additional distortions and make the collapse even more disastrous.